
Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Bergergate: Two questions 

If Sandy Berger, until today a foreign policy advisor to the Kerry campaign, took original classified documents from the National Archives and destroyed them, wittingly or not, and if in fact those destroyed documents would have material political consequence to the election for President, in what way would this offense be different from the underlying events in the Watergate scandal?

True, Richard Nixon was both President and a presidential candidate, and John Kerry is only a candidate. Also, it came to pass that Richard Nixon knew that his delegates committed the crime of breaking into DNC headquarters, and two days into this scandal we have no reason to believe that John Kerry knew anything about Berger's theft until yesterday.

Of course, we don't know that he didn't know about it, either. When is the FBI going to interview John Kerry?

UPDATE: (12:20 AM Wednesday): Hugh Hewitt is talking about this on Dennis Miller. Miller thinks it is a Berger story, rather than a Kerry story. We'll see. Allah points us to a very interesting and utterly unsupported post.


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