
Saturday, July 19, 2008

If you want to know why conservatives are depressed... 

...look no further than this graph. Tragically, I do not actually believe this reflects the inclinations, such as they are, of George W. Bush, but rather an unholy alliance between Karl Rove's statistical approach to victory -- his job -- and Tom DeLay's lack of, er, conservativism.

CWCID: Glenn Reynolds.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sat Jul 19, 07:13:00 PM:

Which leaves most of us wondering, "What were they thinking?" Did they really believe the left would stop hating them if they spent a lot of money on domestic programs? Fiscal practicality first, wishful thinking later.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sun Jul 20, 12:52:00 AM:

Based on the title, I would have guessed "Maliki endorsing Obama's withdrawl plan to Der Spiegel".  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sun Jul 20, 05:05:00 PM:

Perhaps, Anaon, that might have done it. However, all of the conservative I know want us out of Iraq, we just want to leave in victory. As you probably already know, the "Maliki endorses Obama's plan" was just some wishful thinking and bad translation. So far, most of Obama's overseas endorsements come from the terrorism supporting types, like Chavez, Ghadaffi and Amadinajad.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sun Jul 20, 08:52:00 PM:

I presume you are talking about news items like this:

My reading of that story is that Maliki is basically saying "it's your election, but here is what we want." Additionally, Der Spiegel has updated their translation in light of contestation:


I think "Maliki endorses Obama's plan" and "Maliki backs plans very similar to Obama's" are both really problematic for the McCain camp. It's certainly better than a headline like "Maliki endorses Obama for president," but preferring only one leg being broken to both doesn't mean I actually want a cast.

As for the endorsements by questionable people, do you really think that they wouldn't try and game the system by endorsing the person they don't want to succeed? I know 6th graders that can figure out that strategy.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jul 21, 03:11:00 PM:

Get serious. Amadinajad, Ghaddaffi and Chavez prefer McCain but publicly endorse Obama, because they know the Americans will go opposite of their publicly stated positions?

You are right, there is definitely something 6th grade about that.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jul 21, 07:27:00 PM:

Say you are any of these guys. You know everyone hates you, and will use your endorsement as a damning mark. What else do you do besides endorse the one you don't want? And if they are too crazy to see these things, what do their endorsements even matter/mean?

This is an easy and obviously solved games and strategies problem.  

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